Disney Is Falling Apart At The Box Office, What Theyre Doing Wrong

One of the main reasons that Disney is probably suffering at the box office was expressed by CEO Bob Iger himself, who announced that the company is going to start to focus more on quality over quantity in the upcoming years. Fans of Disney’s various IPs like Marvel, Star Wars, and even Pixar will see this as a blessing. It’s no secret that, especially in the case of Marvel, audiences might be feeling a bit burnt out.

Marvel was once one of Disney’s most reliable box office juggernauts, with films like Avengers: Infinity War, Avengers: Endgame, and Spider-Man: No Way Home easily clearing $1 billion for the company and becoming some of the highest-grossing movies of all time. However, the company has been struggling to keep the hype train rolling in a post-Infinity Saga world. Part of the issue is the sheer number of Disney+ shows and movies that audiences have to watch to keep up with the ongoing storyline.
